5 Feet of Fury

Rick Hiebert: “Canada’s ‘differently civilized’ folk”

Rick’s musings based on the Margaret Wente “savages” “controversy”:

Should Ms. Wente’s critics win, it would be a step towards a Stalinist view of history where bad things are made to disappear…in the same way that disgraced officials, after being sent to the Gulag, were removed from official photos so that Stalin could pretend to Russians that they had never even been born.

PS: based upon one of the comments, I’ll go out on a limb and predict that 19 years from now, a rash of “Barack”s will start getting arrested in the Greater Toronto Area…

PSS: added bonus from that infamous racist troglodyte John Stewart Mill, which appears to have brought the comment thread to a sudden halt:

“Free institutions are next to impossible in a country made up of different nationalities.”