5 Feet of Fury

BREAKING: the next Human Rights complaint against a Canadian magazine?

So it begins:

They lost against the Western Standard. They lost against Maclean’s. Now they’re going after Toronto Life:

A group called the Urban Alliance on Race Relations has created a Facebook page, urging people to phone [Toronto Life editor Sarah] Fulford and express their concerns about Mary Rogan’s cover feature on Aqsa Parvez, the 16-year-old who was murdered last year. After Parvez was strangled, her father Muhammad Parvez phoned 911 and told the dispatcher that he had killed his daughter. Muhammad and his son Waqas will be tried sometime next year.

The Facebook group, which currently has 127 members, offers five “talking points”, which callers are encouraged to bring up in phone conversations or messages to Fulford. 

Heres’s one of their “talking points”:

The question, “Has multiculturalism gone too far?” suggests that Muslims and immigrants are threats to Canadian society, rather than contributing members to Canadian society. The idea that “our” tolerance or respect for cultural diversity has let “them” continue their oppressive and dangerous behaviours is not only based on racist and Islamophobic stereotyping of diverse Muslim and immigrant communities, but also ignores the ongoing racism that exists in Canada despite our public commitment to multiculturalism.

Actually, belligerents like this group are the reason Muslims are “perceived as a threat to Canadian society.” It’s hard to see what Muslims do “contribute” to Canadian society when their most visible representatives are bullies and parasites like Mohammed Al-Sharpton.

We’re sick of your bitching and moaning, and, as Raheel Raza wrote recently, we’re fighting back (in our own quiet Canadian way):

The results of the Canadian election were an eye-opener because all Muslim candidates from all parties lost, with the exception of Yasmin Ratansi, who for some time has been trying to distance herself from her Muslim identity despite being the first Muslim woman to get elected to the Canadian parliament.

This is a clear indication that because of the incessant and unreasonable demands by Islamists, Canadians punished all Muslims. Most ordinary Canadians, well-meaning and decent folks, are fed up with demands for unreasonable accommodation and are no longer willing to put up with politics disguised as religion in the public sphere.

Although Canadians are politically correct and diplomatic in public, the election result shows their true feeling about the trend that Muslims who may have an Islamist agenda are not welcome in Canada. Of course, the usual suspects are already screaming Islamophobia – again.

There is no rampant Islamophobia in Canada – only an attempt at gradual Islamization.


Anyway, here we go again. This group is, typically, more upset about Islam being “insulted” and “misrepresented” by the violence perpetrated by its own members (and by a mere infidel’s decision to publish an article about it) than by the actual dealth of a young girl.

Note that these tone deaf twits CHOSE REMEMBRANCE DAY to launch their campaign.

Because hey: who cares about a bunch of dead white Christians and Jews who fought for this group’s right to bitch and moan? What really matters is: this group’s hurt feewings, and the audacity of that Fulford woman (whose own “racial identity” is no doubt being speculated about by these bullies. After all, we all know “the Jews run the media.”)

Of course, you could always send a message to Sarah Fulford encouraging her to publish whatever she wants at Toronto Life — because this is Canada, not Saudi Arabia. For now.

Editor in Chief, Sarah Fulford

FAX: 416-861-1169

Better yet: buy a subscription or pick up a couple of copies of this issue at the newstand.

UPDATE: Denyse O’Leary takes issue with the group’s talking points:

It makes as much sense as saying that domestic murders of women should be looked at in the context of murder in general (gunfights over drugs, fatal barroom brawls, insurance murders, etc.). In reality, specific patterns of life expose people to specific risks. A full and free discussion – including the Toronto Life article , which I hope will be widely read – helps us examine those risks. (…)

Like most Canadians I have met, I am proud that Canada is a multicultural country. But multiculturalism does not mean that any of our cultures is above criticism or that we must deny that some cultural circumstances can expose a person to a specific risk.

If we deny it, we can’t prevent it – which is why we don’t deny it and do discuss it.

PLUS: Darcey at Dust My Broom says:

I would add that the murder of Aqsa Parvez has highlighted a turning point in Canadian multiculturalism. Where groups such as the Urban Alliance on Race Relations were once content to focus on issues of race alone they have moved on to adopt faith-based multiculturalism which in the end seeks to allow religious immunity from legal and social scrutiny.

A perfect example is a recent study from the UK based Centre for Social Cohesion who found that Islamists in the police department and in government positions in Britain are helping to block crackdowns on honour killings.