5 Feet of Fury

“George freaking Will again”

Robert Stacey McCain speaks for many:

The Air Force should load George Will and David Brooks into a C-130 and airdrop them, sans parachute, on a Taliban position in Afghanistan. They’re useless as intellectuals, but perhaps they’ll do some good as ordnance.

The man even says “Spiro Agnew” like that’s a bad thing. Unless Will had some insider info/pre-cog about Agnew’s tax evasions — in which case, do tell! — what exactly makes that such a blistering argument-stopper? (And it’s hard for me to get to worked up about some guy not wanting to pay taxes anyhow…)

Oh I forgot: Spiro Agnew has a “funny” name that makes it ideal for pundit punchlines. I’m such a rube — it took me a second to get it.