5 Feet of Fury

Bill Ayers’ special op-ed for Toronto Star: “I was the target of a ‘terrorist’ attack”

What a pig. And whoever solicited this piece in the Star is a creep.

Luckily, not even some of the Star’s readers fell for his baloney (see comments).

To complain, write:

Editorial Page Editor: Ian Urquhart
Phone: 416-869-4944
Opinion Page: Fred Edwards
Phone: 416-869-4234
Email: oped@thestar.ca
Fax: 416-865-3642

Letters to the Editor via email to lettertoed@thestar.ca; via fax to 416-869-4322; or by mail to One Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario M5E 1E6. Letters must include full name, address and all phone numbers of sender (daytime, evening and cellphone). Street names and phone numbers will not be published.

You can contact the Star’s Bureau of Accuracy and Public Editor by email at publiced@thestar.ca; by phone at 416-869-4949; or by fax at 416-869-4322.

I sent them a message of my own, subject line “Bill Ayers planned to kill hundreds of young women”: