5 Feet of Fury

Welcome to my world, Austin Hill

He writes:

…on my show last Friday while I was discussing Mr. Obama’s remarks about the economy at his recent press conference, I received a call from “Roberto,” a man with a Hispanic sounding accent in Arlington, VA. Roberto’s opening salvo was to say that I was being “patronizing” by pronouncing his name with the traditional, Spanish “rolling R” sound.

Now, I grew up in Southern California surrounded by Spanish speakers, and I was taught by my “white Mom” that, as a matter of respect, I should speak Spanish as it was intended to be spoken, and NOT like a “gringo.”

But never mind that “respect” thing. As far as Roberto was concerned, I was simply offensive. And then, of course, the pattern kicked-in – – I was questioning the President-elect’s remarks because I’m a racist, and therefore I should be silenced.