5 Feet of Fury

“Kneecap him at every opportunity” — John Hawkins brings it

Hawkins writes:

I was on a radio show a few days ago and a liberal caller was on the line. Someone on the show asked me what I planned to do over the next few years with Obama in the White House and I said, “Kneecap him at every opportunity.”

Bipartisanship came up and I said something akin to, “I’m not interested in bipartisanship. I want to defeat liberalism, not cooperate with it. I want to throw sand in the gears at every opportunity and if Obama wants to work with us, he’s going to move to the right.”


Just so everybody knows where I stand, let me be clear: I’m not interested in allowing that moronic, corrupt, anti-white, lying, socialist Obama to methodically destroy everything that’s decent and good in the country in the name of bipartisanship, unity, or “giving him a chance.”

What I am interested in doing is engineering gridlock, thwarting his agenda at every turn, smashing the Democrats in 2010, and then beating Obama in 2012.

Since I love my country and believe unchecked liberalism is more capable of destroying it than any foreign invader, my conscience demands that I do nothing less.