5 Feet of Fury

“They cut off my cell phone — just because I didn’t pay my bill!” continued

Any talk show host will tell you:

On a slow day, ask listeners to call in about one topic — tipping — and you’ll have enough calls for your whole program, every time.

In response to my earlier “keep the change” post about tipping and bill paying and so forth, a reader writes:

“There’s a reason Toronto waitstaff fight each other to take Carabana off; blacks from the US are lousy tippers.”

James Fulford sends in a 2005 post about ethnic tipping stats:

This is a fascinating example of “stereotype accuracy, ” black-on-black racism, and unregulated human interaction. 

I haven’t found the “all because I didn’t pay my bill” tv commercial yet, but this will kinda do:

You know, I lived much of my life below the “poverty line” and have never had to deal with bill collectors in my whole life. Why are almost all the people in these YouTube videos about bill collectors and not-paying-traffic-tickets black — and how, given they’re so “poor” and all, can they still afford cell phones and internet connections?

It all must be, like, racism or something…