5 Feet of Fury

McCotter 2012. Seriously.

I’ve always known this guy rocks. Now check it out:

What are the Republican Party’s principles that will be employed to meet and surmount these challenges? We have five enduring principles:

1.    Our liberty is from God not the government.
2.    Our sovereignty rests in our souls not the soil.
3.    Our security is through strength not surrender.
4.    Our prosperity is from the private sector not the public sector.
5.    Our truths are self-evident not relative.

What are the Republican Party’s goals? We will advance liberty, preserve tradition, and achieve constructive change for Americans in this trying time.

This we will do!

So, please, don’t despair at Republican Rock Bottom. Despite our party’s dark hour in this dawning millennium, by thinking and acting anew, Republicans will champion American principles and ensure that our nation remains inspired and guided by the virtuous genius of our free people; and forever blessed by the unfathomable grace of God. We will seize freedom. We will be freedom!