5 Feet of Fury

Denyse O’Leary writes: We bloggers “are the new Fourth Estate”; MSM now just another useless union/lobby group

An email for your consideration:

1. There is no turning back. When a nation really prefers to be Peggy Joseph rather than Joe the Plumber (see below), it’s not something you can change through politics.

Interviewed after an Obama campaign event in Sarasota, Florida, Peggy emotionally summarized what it means to her for Barack Obama to be president: “It was the most memorable time of my life. It was a touching moment, because I never thought this day would happen. I won’t have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won’t have to worry about paying my mortgage. You know, if I, if I help him [Barack], he’s gonna help me!”

2. The Republican Party is a prickly collection of the losers of previous culture wars – who have nothing in common with each other. It will likely now morph into an alternative Democratic Party, trying to buy Peggy Joseph’s vote. Occasionally, the GOP will be in office but it will make little difference whether it is or not. They will rule all issues important to you off limits because they know they can’t get elected if they front them. Do you think that Peggy Joseph would care about academic freedom? About the Born Alive Infants Act?

3. The key result of this historic election is – what many of us had long suspected – that traditional monotheist culture in the United States is collapsing from within. One outcome will be serious persecution of Christians (and observant Jews) just like here [in Canada]– persecution that will be abetted by apostates of both groups, who will also deny to the world that it is taking place.

Criminality and authoritarianism will become the norm in government (as will massive dishonesty in science*). Study the behaviour of the Canadian “human rights” commissions and recognize that the critical thing is that few here even care. The few who do care are magnificent and are making headway by intimidating the sluts and thugs that infest high office.  (…)

But so many people’s faces are glued to the trough, including many who stomp, thump, and holler for Jesus. They choose not to know what is happening to fellow Christians. Or else they are fronting the oppression themselves, as part of the “therapeutic community.”

4. Only character, faith, and intelligence will help you now. The good news is that the people who will rule over you are unacquainted with these qualities (as a set). One person who possesses the set is worth thousands of them. One Ezra Levant is – literally – worth three thousand “human rights” commission employees trying to destroy him.

5. Across North America, our legacy mainstream media have morphed into a lobby like the Detroit auto industry that whines to the government for favours to keep them going and for the persecution of their Internet-based rivals.

Dawn is breaking here. People like me awoke this morning to discover that we are now the Fourth Estate. The people who sneer at us (like that gal from the New York Times who sneered at me at the Smithsonian) are well-paid imposters. In that knowledge, we proceed because we have a job to do.

Cheers, Denyse