5 Feet of Fury

“I am so ****ing depressed.”

Lots of emails like that.

Looks like I scored a hit with my “Parasite States of America” post — the NYT linked to it, and judging from little blips in my site stats from unread lefty blogs, it outraged all the right people, too.

Here’s some of my email this morning:

I just read your post on Obama’s triumph. I agree with you, and I’m mortally afraid for my country for the first time in my life. It’s not a good feeling.


That a man with John McCains heroic life story would be defeated by a man with Barack Obamas chip-on-the-shoulder self-serving life story.
Military families cannot be happy. But who cares about them right? Bill Ayers & Co are thrilled, and that’s what counts.

I just can’t believe that this is where my country is at. 


I just read you post election post and it pretty much summed up what I have been thinking. In fact, I’ve been using the exact same words about surrendering our birthright. I wish it had ended differently. I voted YES on Prop 8 in California mostly out of spite. Stupid gays who think their individual liberties are safer when a totalitarian liberal is in charge. They don’t understand that any rights they have is because of conservatives who have fought for hundreds of year to keep the government off our backs. I’ll be speaking out to friends about this and I don’t care if it’s impolite. I don’t care if it ends relationships.


Well, I’m not really surprised; McCain didn’t run the campaign like he really wanted to win, a big problem, as you’ve said before, for a lot of other candidates, whereas both Democrat candidates obviously did. There’s campaigning, and then there’s politics, and I’d like to hope that the latter will prevent the worst of what we’re anticipating from an Obama presidency.

Hey – let’s look at the bright side: maybe this will finally get Ken Burns to shut the fuck up about slavery.

The worst part is the likelihood that half the fucking country – and God knows how much of the rest of the world – is going to be hitting the rewind button and pretend that it’s Sept. 10, 2001 again.

That and the gloating. It turns out I have to go to the office tomorrow. Good thing Sony sent me those noise-cancelling headphones today.

Chin up, pal. It’s gonna suck, but at least we can finally use the line “Hey, it’s not my country!”


I am in complete despair.  Well, not complete, I don’t feel as bad as did on 9/11, but it is close.

All I can hope for is that the midterm elections go badly for the Democrats and that he lets enough of his real self through that we’ll elect a conservative in 2012.

Thanks for listening


Remember when W won his second term and a lot of liberal Americans threatened to move to Canada? Any who did: Please go home now.

Which got me thinking, to fully enjoy the New Gringo Dystopia, what if all the Cannucki Libs go along too and sensible Americans flee to Canada?

‘Course, commies being commies, they’ll soon be running out down there of half-caf lo-fat soy lattes and toilet paper, and then Whoopie Golberg will try to defect, probably with Matt Damon in her carry-on.

So I’m thinking, a shiny new ‘lectric fence all along the 49th with Sarah Palin as Head Northern Sniper.

Canada: Suddenly the Conservative Option
. This could be okay.