5 Feet of Fury


Alas, throughout much of America, the answer is “Yes.”

But remember:

“...fully a third of Obama’s core constituents are either convicted felons who cannot vote (in given states), hung over from last night’s beer bash or so convinced of an Obama victory/Diebold vote rigging they either cannot or will not vote.”

And, as I’ve been saying, too:

The long road to Barack Hussein Obama’s presidency was laid back in 1975. With infinite patience, it was laid step by step by radicals working from the inside, in a strategy that promised its adherents in writing, “The certainty that we will see revolution in our lifetime.”

The Revolution begins November 4, 2008 without a single shot being fired.

More than to anyone else, the long road to turn the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave over to Socialism/Marxism belongs to the twisted-with-hatred-for-America William Ayers and his radical wife, Bernadine Dohrn.

This is a couple who wear rings made from the metal of downed American aircraft, given to them by the Communist North Vietnamese at a gathering in Toronto.

Actually, it would be more accurate to say it “ends” today, but no matter.

An Obama presidency: The final moments of Easy Rider — in reverse. Forever.