5 Feet of Fury

Drunk driving: not just for Mexicans anymore

At Vdare.com, they chronicle the growing problem of Mexican bad/drunk driving.

In the UK, they have the same trouble with Eastern European immigrants.

Both cultures are based upon bribery, mainstream criminality, heavy drinking/alcoholism, rule-flouting, a “life is cheap” worldview and overall “trying to get away with stuff”, after all.


Incidentally, hispanics are culturally disinterested in using seatbelts, which goes against their progress-resistant, fatalistic view of life.

They believe that children should be held tightly on their laps in the front seat of the car and regard American safety constraints as cold and unloving.

Also they litter a lot:

“Theresa Quezada, president of the Hispanic Outreach Leadership Alliance in Pasco, said that although Mexico is becoming more litter conscious as its tourism industry grows, many of its emigrants come from areas where litter is culturally accepted and aren’t told what is expected in the United States.”