5 Feet of Fury

James Fulford’s generous plug for my new book, The Tyranny of Nice

He writes:

Kathy Shaidle has a book! Shaidle, who wrote “First They Came For… Canadian ‘Hate Speech’ Totalitarianism Is Not New,” for us, has an entire book on the subject of Canada’s Human Rights commissions. It’s in ebook form, or you can get it in paperback.

The ebook isn’t a free download, unlike Steve Sailer’s new book [about Barack Obama]. The difference is that we’re a foundation, surviving on the generous donations of readers, while Kathy Shaidle is freelance writer who is self-supporting through her own contributions.

She’s also being sued by a Canadian bureaucrat over things that would be lawsuit proof in the US under Sullivan v. New York Times, so if you do pay the ten dollars for the download, you’ll be helping a good cause.