5 Feet of Fury

Ezra Levant analyzes Harper’s new comments re: Human Rights Commissions

He writes about the transcript/audio I posted here last night:

I an incredibly heartened by the PM’s remarks. They are a breakthrough. Now, at least, we’re having a discussion. Let’s keep up our end of the discussion ensuring that the PM and his team knows just how bad Lynch’s CHRC is – everything from the RCMP investigation to their serial online neo-Nazi bigotry.

And, now that the Conservatives are no longer in jeopardy of an imminent election, let’s press them to repeal section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act – or abolition [sic] the obsolete, fascist law altogether.

So we need to provide calm, properly documented information to the MPs – and even to the PM.

And then we must press them for change.