5 Feet of Fury

FLASH! Our book is now in its second printing after only three weeks!!

It’s true!

The Tyranny of Nice is flying off the shelves at Mark Steyn’s store deep in the New Hampshire woods (his right hand is cramping up from personally signing all your copies) AND we also received a huge bulk order from a Very Prestigious Organization that I’ll tell you about soon.

That means that our unreviewed (so far), unavailable-in-bookstores expose of Canada’s evil Human Rights Commissions is going into its second printing today!

Thanks to everyone who has helped make The Tyranny of Nice (written by Pete Vere and I, with Steyn’s great introduction) such a success already.


“A book is commonly acknowledged to be a Canadian bestseller if it sells 5,000 copies — but that normally takes months, if not years.”

Because our publisher is so little, because Pete and I aren’t household names and/or winners of the Canadian Media Genetic Incest Lottery, and because the book isn’t yet available in stores, The Tyranny of Nice will never be an “official” bestseller in Canada — even though are sales figures are approaching that 5000 mark already.

That’s ok. It’s pretty typical of how the Canadian Establishment operates (and thereby remains ignorant of what’s really going on in the country.)

What matters, in other words, is that the message of The Tyranny of Nice — that Canada can still free itself from the sinister trap of political correctness, if only it wakes up in time — that the message gets out there.

Americans: this warning, and this message of hope, is for you, too.

An Obama presidency will usher in new restrictions on speech and behaviour, the likes of which you have never known. His administration need only look North to see how it can be done — how a few million taxpayer dollars a year can silence and intimidate tens of millions of citizens and spread a leftwing, social engineering agenda without firing a shot.

The Tyranny of Nice is your field guide for the fight for free speech!

So if you’d like to help spread that vital message around, and make The Tyranny of Nice the least-famous bestselling book in Canada, pick up your copy today!