5 Feet of Fury

“Saving the environment, one celebrity cokehead at a time”

Kevin Libin writes about Barenaked Lady lead singer/cokehead Stephen Page, who got a walk from a judge yesterday:

Page makes plenty of public displays about caring for the environment. As a Toronto Star profile noted in March, “he drives a hybrid car, uses solar energy in his home, and when his band Barenaked Ladies go on tour, their vans are powered by biofuel.” The website Treehugger.com gives much “Huggs” to Page for sitting on the board of the World Wildlife Fund, owning shares in a wind-energy firm, setting up an “eco-village” at his concerts, selling “carbon offset wristbands” to his audience and bringing recycling bins to concerts. No one seems to want to bring up the fact that snorting a few lines after a show can quickly undo so much hard green work.

According to the Trade and Environment Database at the American University in Washington, D.C., the cocaine industry is responsible for enormous amounts of pollution, deforestation and wildlife destruction.