You’re squirming with delight, are you not?
Ezra’s using my lawyer Chris Ashby this time, so I guess it’s safe for me to link to his post, which reads in part:
It’s malicious prosecution and it’s an abuse of process, but that’s how Warren Kinsella rolls – here are [the] other bloggers he’s tried to bully this way, just off the top of my head. I’m sure there’s more.
The only question is: will it work?
Will Kinsella’s attempt to bully me – and disbar me, and cost me $50,000 plus the same in legal fees – get me to stop advocating for freedom of speech, and the abolition of Canada’s tyrannical human rights commissions? Can Kinsella destroy me? That’s clearly his goal.
Gentle reader, what do you think? (…)
Hey, I’ve got an idea. Let’s beat him. Not just to get me out of the legal soup – but to show these bullies they can’t get away with it.
Let’s beat back these nuisance suits, let’s get these human rights commissions cut down to size, and let’s strengthen public discourse in Canada by rescuing it from the censorship bullies.
If you can help me, please do.