5 Feet of Fury

See? Told ya: lawyers are the enemy

As I’ve been saying for over a week, note well how many of the ObamaCons are a) agnostics and b) lawyers.

They’re ObamaCons for the same reason they can be such boring bloggers and pundits, too: “oh, on the one hand, on the other hand, maybe maybe maybe…”


A reader agrees with the lawyer part, via an email with the subject line SINCE WHEN IS ‘CHRISTIAN’ A SYNONYM FOR ‘PUSSY’?


Never mind that Jesus was in a constant ideological and philosophical battle with both the Pharisees (status conscious lawyers) and Sadducees (also lawyers) for his entire ministry. 

The plain fact is that none of these liberals who have been calling themselves conservative are going to feel it that bad when Obama gets elected. 

Hogster is a lawyer, Buckley is a spoilt rich kid, Frum is a party apparatchik wuss, George Will is the Establishment Onservative and Kathleen Parker is jealous that Sarah Palin is better looking than she is. (never mind that she wouldn’t have a column at all is she wasn’t pretty as well.) 

None of these people are going to have to deal with the fallout of electing Obama the presidency. Few if any of their kids are in the Armed Forces. The increase in taxes isn’t going to screw them as bad because they have money. They will be the last people fired  when the economy tanks. Most crucially they generally don’t live in the neighborhoods where the looting is going to happen.

Paleocons and other religious conservatives and some libertarians have good reason for not voting McCain. Crucially, Constitutionally illiterate stances on immigration, free speech, guns, not really pro life, Etc. I myself lean in that direction. I find McCain a deeply frustrating candidate and Sarah Palin hasn’t done a great job here at home in many respects(I live in AK).

That does not mean that Obama ia a good choice.  Only a madman, or an idiot  would vote for the nakedly Racist, Socialist, Totalitarian, and foolish Obama.  He’s everything the more conservative blogosphere has said about him and probably more. If anyone thinks he won’t be a complete disaster, they’re fooling themselves.