5 Feet of Fury

Obama bemoans “constraints that were placed by Founding Fathers in the Constitution” that prevent “the redistribution of wealth”

By now, most of you have heard the audio of a recently unearthed 2001 interview with Obama, in which he utters lots of Marxist clap trap in that seductive voice of his.

What no one else is talking about is his very sound observation that wealth redistribution is the logical outcome of the Black civil rights movement. 

(And that’s what our historically illiterate jouranlistic betters are missing throughout last week’s “socialism is the new black” “controversy”.)

I’ve been making this point for years. We romanticize the Civil Rights Movement without really looking at what, exactly, we are legitimizing, such as the attempted hijacking of private property.

I don’t see the difference except in degree between bullies trying to tell a private company like Woolworth’s who they must enter into transactions with, and commie peasants commandeering a noble’s mansion a la Dr. Zhivago, but then, I wouldn’t, would I?

Because as I note in my latest Examiner.com piece, framing anything in terms of the glorious and wonderful Civil Rights Movement puts it automatically beyond the realm of criticism in polite liberal society.

I’m sure the comments over there will be, er, interesting today. Join in if you dare!