5 Feet of Fury

“I was born in the People’s Republic of Poland…”

A donor to Ezra Levant’s legal defense fund writes:

After coming to Canada in 1978, I was mildly surprised by one of the earlier Polish immigrants, who warned me: “[name redacted], do not display your instinctive non-conformism in front of the Canadian government employees. It will not do you any good”. Well, fortunately, I also know how to behave in entirely conformist way as well. However, in spite of all the years of schooling and conditioning, it still feels so unnatural… Actually, quite infuriating!

Ezra, you fight for my human right to be “considered wrong” and you fight against government and anybody’s monopoly to decree who is wrong. That’s the fight of my life and luckily for me, you happen to be a lawyer. And – I am afraid – that might be an exception among lawyers, too.

So thank you again for the job so well done!

Ezra [who also has some choice words for That Guy Who Is Suing Us] responds in part:

In the past year, I have met dozens of people at all levels of Canada’s human rights commissions, from junior staffers to senior executives. Some are just ordinary joes luxuriating in a government job. But too many are the type of people who are actually attracted to HRCs because they themselves have a tyrannical instinct in their personality. They are people who are generally inconsequential in their own lives — not particularly talented, not particularly successful — but when they put on the uniform of the state, they are very powerful indeed, and people will listen to them and do as they say, damn it.

There are petty tyrants in every walk of life. But we can avoid or ignore them — or fight them. Not so when they have the power of the state behind them.


What sticks in my craw about the HRCs is that people who are clearly my intellectual inferiors — and the inferiors of people like Steyn and Levant — are (in their dreams) controlling my life and other people’s.

Look at the idiots who brought the Steyn and Levant cases: mediocre morons. Too lazy and parasitic to, say, start their own magazines, they use the apparatus of the State to try to hijack other peoples’.

When you read the illiterate rantings of Mohammed Al-Sharpton, Syed the Supreme and their uppity runts, the Sock Puppets, you’re forced to shake your heads at the very thought of them trying to outwit the likes of Steyn and Levant.

It’s like watching a lapdog attack a Mastiff.

Yet these walking, talking wastes of perfectly good carbon atoms dared to do so, empowered by the State and my extorted tax dollars. (More parasitism.)

Then you have the HRC bureaucrats themselves, who are the kinds of robotic, brainwashed C-grade nobodies who couldn’t survive without unions and government jobs.

They remind me of high school guidance counsellors. As I asked one once, “If you know so much, how come you’re just a guidance counsellor?”