5 Feet of Fury

Binky spanks Obamacons

He blogs:

We are humans: messy, not always fair, often disorganized. What we have in the West is– in relation to most known history– the best of most possible worlds. It might be improved in many possible ways– tearing it down and building utopia on the ‘redistributed’ ruins is not one of them. It’s been tried: Revolutionary France; all the Communist revolutions; fascist revolutions; Progressivism I, II, and III in North America (Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Lyndon Johnson).

Tell us all exactly what FACTUALLY changed between NoBama and Oh, Bama!– go ahead. “Obama: Not As Evil As I Thought”? “AntiChrist McCain ‘08″? “Try Barack: Millions Of America-Hating Communists & Terrorists Can’t Be Wrong!”?

We ‘bin warned, ObamaCons. Don’t pretend otherwise.