5 Feet of Fury

Why Bernie Farber will never admit to getting it, even when he does

Scaramouche writes about the CJC’s flaccid, stuttering response to Durban II:

Tell me, Bernie, what will it take for you to have that “eureka” moment, that epiphany that hits you—kapow!—smack in the middle of the forehead so that the lights finally, finally, go on and you can see without a glimmer of a flicker of a doubt that what’s occurring at the international level is exactly the same as what’s happening here in Canada—i.e. that Muslims pushing the eliminationist agenda are endeavouring to shut us up because they want to be able to control the conversation? And, cleverly, they are doing so not by saying, “Hey, you dhimmis, knock it off with the blasphemy and let us, the true believers, take the lead”—because that would tip off even the most clueless multiculti bridge-builder to their totalitarian intentions. They are claiming that it’s a matter of “human rights” (their rights, naturally) to force us to put a sock in it and to never, ever, take it out.

As I’ve explained here before, the answer to this “puzzle” (as it usually is) is deceptively simple:

“We’ve got to protect our phoney baloney jobs, gentlemen!”