5 Feet of Fury

Limbaugh: “Good riddance, GOP moderates”

Dear idiots:

Conservativism doesn’t need to be “moderated.” It is already moderate; that’s why it’s called “conservative”.

I’ll make it simpler for you than Rush does (below): if bile doesn’t rise in your throat at the very notion of an Obama presidency, then you are NOT a conservative.

It’s all about class, people. Class class class. “Ew! Snowmobiles! Ew! A non-designer baby!! Ew! They both know how to fire guns!!!”

The cowardly careerist urban latte beta male lawyer class vs. the rest of us.

Anyway, Rush Limbaugh:

“The Republican Party, we gotta be a big tent,” and that’s code words for, “We gotta have some pro-choicers in our party to get rid of the influence of these hayseed hicks in the South who are pro-life.”  Well, they have gone, and I, for one, say, “Damn well good riddance!”  Weld, why don’t you stay a Democrat?  McClellan, stay a Democrat. All you intellectual conservative media types, go ahead and stay a Democrat once you move over.  By the way, we know what this is about.  This is about being invited to state dinners in a Barack Obama administration.  This is about the social structure of Washington.  This is about style.  (…)

[T]hese hoity-toity bourgeoisie… Well, they’re not the bourgeoisie, but… Well, they are in a sense. (…)

They have just admitted that Republican Party “big tent” philosophy didn’t work.  It was their philosophy; it was their idea.

I am not happy it’s happened except for one reason.  We flushed ’em out. We found out they’re not really Republicans and they’re by no means conservatives, and now they’re gone.  Now the trick is to keep ’em out.

There’s a post at National Review Online in The Corner blog in which somebody who knows Adelman, a professor, sent a note to somebody at National Review and said, “Look, I had a conversation with Adelman, and I couldn’t believe what he said to me. He said after he announced his endorsement for Obama, he said to me, ‘I really hope Obama is lying about what he intends to do policy-wise,'” proving these endorsements are not about substance, it’s about style, it’s about intellectuals joining up with intellectuals, it’s about the smart people hanging together.  “I hope Obama’s lying.”