5 Feet of Fury

“Canadians are a censored people”

Calgary Herald editorial:

So there. An arm of government has judged a publisher, slandered its professionalism, questioned its motives, but concluded it was not quite so bad Canadians shouldn’t read it.

For the record, it was not Mark Steyn who caused readers to fear Muslims. It was Muslims who tried twice to blow up the World Trade Center, the second time with horrifying success. (…)

In supposedly free societies, government has no business having an opinion on whether a book is true, false or has merit.


Remember: the fastest way to get hold of my new book about Canada’s Human Rights Commissions, The Tyranny of Nice, is to download it as an e-book by clicking here.

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(You can also order my previous book, Acoustic Ladyland, at the same time.)


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Makes a great stocking stuffer!