5 Feet of Fury

Ron Radosh loves our anti-Ayers/Obama video

Ron Radosh — here’s his great piece explaining “the real threat posed by Bill Ayers” — writes in:

Your video is great! I sent it on to my personal list urging them to send it to others. Better than anything I’ve seen on Ayers.

Thanks, Mr. Radosh! In his article, he cites (liberal) Paul Berman saying:

Obama “is saddled with Ayers” not only because of his past associations with him, but because of what Berman calls “a culture of mendacity on the far left in America (…) Berman is rightfully angry that over 3000 people have now signed a petition of support to Ayers, that depicts the unrepentant terrorist as a victim of McCarthyite slander. The petition’s writers are furious that Ayers has been described as a “lunatic leftist.”

As Berman writes, “if this phrase does not apply to Ayers, it applies to no one.”

Anyway, the video — written by me, filmed by The Nose On Your Face — has logged over 18,000 35,000 views on YouTube so far: