5 Feet of Fury

KMG: “Canada is not a nation”

He writes:

Admittedly, its dissolution is taking longer than I predicted in this space two years ago. (In my defence, I hadn’t counted on Quebec’s separatist Parti Québécois choosing an openly homosexual coke-sniffer for its leader. Guess how that worked out.) But now more than ever, Canada  is not a nation (with one caveat, of which more later). Neither is it a  “community of communities,” as former PM  Joe Clark once  claimed. No, Canada is an ongoing blackmail/bribery game, a mere political contrivance, a conglomeration of seven increasingly dissimilar and fractious regions …

And if that weren’t enough, our three largest cities, Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal, will soon to be majority “visible minority,” in a country where over 80% of the population remain members of the barely-tolerated white majority.

As for me, I expect that, in my lifetime, I will live to see the Toronto Zoo tranformed into a butchery to cater to the population’s increasing “exotic” culinary tastes; soccer overtaking hockey as the most popular sport (complete with its revolting post-game foreign flag waving outbursts) and the Hockey Hall of Fame shut down for lack of interest; at least one synagogue burned to the ground, and St. Michael’s Cathedral turned into a needle exchange.

Reader, do you doubt me?