5 Feet of Fury

An enthusiastic endorsement of my new book, The Tyranny of Nice

Robert A. Jason sends out a daily newsletter with a “best of” selection of conservative news and commentary. Here’s what he wrote in his latest message:

Dear Friends:

I have just received Kathy Shaidle’s immensely important & immensely readable book on the notorious “Human Rights” Commissions in our Trudeaupia. It has a wonderfully imaginative & apt title, “The Tyranny of Nice”.

This is such a great read & I’m enjoying it thoroughly. I bought it from The Interim  (Canada’s Life & Family Newspaper) for only about 10 bucks. It’s more than worth the low low price, and by buying the book I’m not only helping a great publication like THE INTERIM (which is associated with another great outfit like LifeSiteNews etc) but I’m also supporting a brave stalwart feisty Canadian, Kathy Shaidle. She (together with other worthy fellow warriors like Ezra Levant) is currently trying to fend off a withering, expensive lawsuit by some activists for her Judeo-Christian pro-life pro-family views in the “Human Rights” kangaroo courts of Trudeaupia… She needs our full support.

The book comes with a superb intro by none other than the great Mark Steyn.

Here is a letter I received with the book from THE INTERIM:

Dear valued customer:

(…) if you enjoyed Tyranny of Nice and want extras as gifts, perhaps for Christmas, we want to make you a special offer.

Our regular price is $9.95 plus $2.75 shipping & handling. But order two or more and have them sent to the same address, and pay just $9 each plus $1.50 S/H per book. That’s nearly a 20% saving.

If you order ten or more and mail them to the same address, pay just $8 per book plus $1 S/H. That’s nearly 30% off.

You can place your orders through the official TyrannyOfNice website.

All the phone number and email info is on the site, but here it is, too:



And although the great deals above DON’T apply, you can also order The Tyranny of Nice (and my previous book, Acoustic Ladyland) as instantly downloadable e-books here.

This means you get to read the book right away, as a safe download that any computer can open and read.

PLUS you save shipping, handling and taxes!

(And my royalties are higher when you buy the ebook too…)

OR: you can order The Tyranny of Nice at Mark Steyn’s online store and he’ll personally autograph it for you.

Sounds like a nice stocking stuffer!