5 Feet of Fury

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The Steyn “not guilty but” verdict aside, Canadian Human Rights Commissions are still prosecuting unmoney-ed, un-famous, un-Rolodexed, un-lawyered up “little people” as we speak.

At taxpayer expense, during tough economic times.

Don’t be naive. Harper’s new mandate doesn’t matter. It is up to us, as individuals, to fight these kangaroo courts on our own.

The Tyranny of Nice: How Canada crushes freedom in the name of human rights — and why it matters to Americans not only tells their stories, it offers a timely, coherent argument as to why these well-intentioned commissions actually destroy the tolerance and social cohesion they claim to be defending, by encouraging ethnic/victim groups to punish each other for imaginary “hate crimes.”

The fight isn’t over — it is just beginning. (This means you, too, Americans. Your First Amendment means nothing if President Obama appoints three new Supremes to the bench. PS: Fairness Doctrine.)

Think of The Tyranny of Nice as your field manual.

Besides ordering a hard copy version of my new book The Tyranny of Nice from the official website, you can also get the e-book version from Lulu.com.

Ordering the e-book version from Lulu.com is:


While you’re at Lulu.com, you can ALSO pick up my second-last book, Acoustic Ladyland, which Mark Steyn has called a “must read”.

That’s TWO books for under $20!