5 Feet of Fury

Shocker: religion founded by a pedophile is full of pedophiles!

I tremble for Western civilization when I encounter some of those in charge of protecting it…

Notice how the British frame the issue, contrasting “Western decadence” with Muslim religious values and casting the “terrorists” — in fact, jihadis — as hypocrites. Not only does this repeat the usual lies about the belief system of the enemy, it explicitly condemns the West as decadent by contrast with authentic Islam. These are the publicly stated views of the police and security services.

Exit question: How long before Europe’s ersatz feminists decide men having sex with nine year olds is true freedom for women? How long before Canadian and American feminists follow suit? Academic feminists claim only Muslim women are allowed to pass judgement on such practices; perhaps they hope to pass over mass rape in silence while Republican men fight and die to save their daughters from the same fate, condemning them all the while for doing so.

Note too the charge of “hypocrisy” made by the geniuses of the British Intelligence establishment.

They call these Muslim perverts/terrorists “hypocrites” because in Left Liberal PC land, hypocrisy is the biggest, the only sin, left.

One’s actual behaviour doesn’t matter; what matters is whether or not your behaviour is “hypocritical”, based on some real or imagined standard.

The charge of “hypocrisy” allows Liberals the deeply human satisfaction of condemning something.

But since, in their worldview, condemning anything is, well, condemned, they condemn the offshoot — hypocrisy — rather than the other fellow’s actual sin, because “sin” doesn’t exist in their worldview either.

Condemning someone as a “hypocrite” — and nothing more — is like arresting the ventriloquist’s dummy for the ventriloquist’s crime.