5 Feet of Fury

Most famous black McCain supporter experiences black on black violence

James “bring it to him” Harris tells Essence:

ESSENCE.COM: In your gut, who do you think is going to win?
HARRIS: John McCain. And, oh Lord, Lord, Lord, if that happens! As much as the followers of Obama are invested in this thing, it’s going to make Bush Derangement Syndrome look like a cold. There’s going to be severe backlash; people are going to lose their minds. Black people are going to say, “Voter suppression, voter fraud.” With the allegiance and almost worship of Barack Obama, I think if he loses it’s going to be very ugly.

ESSENCE.COM: Don’t you think it could be just as ugly if McCain loses?

To borrow a phrase from SDA, you’re invited to take part in a Poll Gone Horribly Wrong: “Is James Harris a Sell Out?” Have fun, kids.