5 Feet of Fury

“I am a free Canadian” — election day blogburst (NOW a t-shirt)

Someone came up with this idea at the Toronto blogger bash on Saturday. Unlike many ideas you come up with in a bar, this one is half-decent:

Canadian bloggers, let’s celebrate our freedoms by noting that, as late as 1960, the words below were NOT considered shocking or abnormal:

“I am a Canadian,
a free Canadian,
free to speak without fear,
free to worship God in my own way,
free to stand for what I think right,
free to oppose what I believe wrong,
free to choose those who shall govern my country.
This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold
for myself and for all mankind.”

Note to beligerent Muslims and other professional victim groups who are using the Human Rights Commissions to “oppose what they believe is wrong”:

The operative word in that composition is “free”. You are NOT FREE if you are using agents of the state, and other people’s extorted tax dollars, to fight your foolish battles. When you do that, you are a PARASITE. Parasites are not free.

I invite other Canadian bloggers to repeat Diefenbaker’s words on their sites in an attempt to re-popularize them.

Can you imagine a Canada in which school kids recited this each day like the Pledge?

Naw, me neither, alas…


Binks has made up a tshirt for the occasion (and for all occasions!)