5 Feet of Fury

Michael Moore refuses to answer questions from young guy with a camera (UPDATED)


Jesus in a rainhat…

“Michael Moore complains to Elections Canada about Conservative Party candidate”

Michael Moore writes:

Cameron Ross lured us into Canada to go door-to-door with him – and then filed a complaint that we were going door-to-door and interfering with the Canadian election!

I should have seen the trap he was setting, but I assumed that because he was a “Conservative” (which I know is not the same as the breed of conservatives we deal with in the U.S.) he was not smart enough to be so devious.

Considering it was the Ross campaign who suggested we ‘interfere,’ we believe Mr. Ross conspired to break the law – and get us to break it with him.

Does Mr. Ross do this sort of thing often?

Has he broken the law before?

We don’t know this man, but I think someone at Elections Canada should investigate him.

Also, I noticed he was not wearing a Canadian flag lapel pin.

In my country this is considered unpatriotic.

Just a reminder…

Conservative candidate Cameron Ross is a veteran. Here’s Pete Vere’s description of him in the National Post:

He is a former artillery officer with the Canadian Forces. Upon retiring from the regular force, he rose to rank of colonel and commanded an entire reserve brigade.

He has fought in combat operations overseas on several tours — including one in Bosnia, where his quick thinking prevented a distraught 15-year-old Croatian boy from committing suicide.

Moreover, like every good officer during war time, Ross has gone hungry on the field so that the soldiers under his command could eat.

(original Oct 12 post)

You know, it kinda reminds me of All About Eve.

But with, like, Jabba the Hut as Margo…


Pete Vere got some nice quotes from Moore and they ended up in the Washington Times. I particularly liked:

At another point in the interview, Mr. Moore, offered insight into his project.

“I’m trying to break this down very simply for Americans, who basically have a hard time understanding how to vote themselves,” he said.

When asked for whom he would vote in the Canadian election, Mr. Moore told local reporters: “All but the Conservatives. The others, they all said some incredibly good things. It would be a tough call from the First Peoples to the NDP to the Liberal. Even our Commie friend [Mike Taffarel] over here said some good things.”