5 Feet of Fury

Victor Davis Hanson cracks David Brooks’ head open with a rusty shovel, then wheels around and bashes Chris Buckley’s face in (please)


Second, with Obama now with an 6-8 point lead, some [“conservatives”] in the DC/NY corridor these last three weeks figure it’s time now to jump on, or at least sort of jump, since the train they think is leaving the station and there might be still be some space at the dinner table on the caboose. They also believe as intellectuals that the similarly astute Obamians may on occasion inspire, or admire them as the like-minded who cultivate the life of the mind – in contrast to the “cancer” Sarah Palin, who, with her husband Todd, could hardly discuss Proust with them or could offer little if any sophisticated table-talk other than the chokes on shotguns or optimum RPMs on snow-machines.