5 Feet of Fury

Mark Steyn’s first interview after his “aquittal” for “hate speech”

Mark Steyn talked to Rob Breakinridge about his “aquittal” last night (listen to the mp3):

“I wanted to be found guilty… We’re just as guilty as all these little people who’ve been found guilty over the years. The difference is that we spent over a million bucks…”

If Mohamed Elmasry is listening, I’m happy to chip in a thousand bucks towards his appeal.”

PLUS (cough):

Kathy Shaidle is a perfect example of what I mean. Kathy Shaidle ought to be a star columnist in the National Post... She has very strident opinions, very colourfully and forcefully expressed.

Instead she’s being sued for expressing those opinions…

Check out FreeMarkSteyn and BlazingCatFur for lots more links about the verdict.