5 Feet of Fury

ACORN’s motto: “…but teach a man to steal an election, and he’ll vote forever. And ever. And ever…”

(Just barely) satire:

Attorneys for the voting registration organizations ACORN and Project Vote filed an anti-discrimination voting rights suit in the U.S. Federal District court this morning, alleging the United States government is involved in “a widespread, systematic effort to disenfranchise Imaginary-Americans and deprive them of access to polls.”


“Whether we are obituary notices, hallucinatory giant rabbits, or strings of random keyboard strokes, it’s time for the chimera community to stand up and claim our rights as citizens,” said ASDFG. “We will no longer be silent and invisible. Okay, maybe invisible.”

PLUS: not satire — the indispensible blogger The Black Informant writes:

There is a reason why these tactics would not fly in upper-income communities: Because they would questioned and eventually tossed out. ACORN knows this which is why they continue to play on the ignorance of low income minorities – all while they enjoy the protection of their ‘minority shield“. Why? Because they can fall back on programs where they ‘help’ minorities.

So basically you can screw po’ folks, just as long as you can say you participate in a food or clothing drive, help them find a house, etc. (…)

At this point, the best way to fix ACORN is to force them to employ Klan members and skinheads. That will make it into a race issue, causing folks who typically yell about taking advantage of poor people to actually care. Until then, the end justifies the means.