5 Feet of Fury

Mark Steyn’s blogging again — about our new book!

We’re all been waiting for the Canadian election to end Ezra Levant to resume blogging, and for Mark Steyn to return from hiatus, too. Levant will be toiling in an undisclosed location until the Conservative majority the Liberal minority next week, but Steyn has resumed his columns and radio spots after a long summer.

Today Steyn’s written about my new book The Tyranny of Nice at his Steynposts blog. Besides writing a fabulous introduction to the book, Mark Steyn is a tireless promoter of The Tyranny of Nice, and Pete Vere and I couldn’t be more grateful.

Here’s a taste of what he wrote today, in his first blog post back in the saddle:

Kathy Shaidle and Pete Vere lift the rock on Canada’s thought police in their new volume published this week. The Tyranny Of Nice is the book of the show trial of the magazine excerpt of the original hate crime (America Alone). It’s a great read, not just about the Steyn case and the Ezra Levant cartoon showdown but about all the other travesties of justice that have received far less publicity, beginning with the outrageous and totalitarian lifetime speech ban on the Reverend Stephen Boissoin. From transsexual labiaplasties to hygiene-free hamburger joints, Kathy and Pete examine the many exotic new “human rights” that have supplanted the old, real human rights, like free speech, the presumption of innocence and the right to a free trial.

And remember: if you buy The Tyranny of Nice from the online SteynStore, Mark Steyn will personally autograph your copy!