5 Feet of Fury

So THAT’S what ‘community organizers’ do — steal elections! (link fixed)

As voter fraud allegations increase seemingly by the hour, is a RICO investigation of ACORN in the works?

Could ACORN-aquidik cost Obama the election? (Unlike Watergate, have we caught this scandal in time to make it matter, with only weeks away from election day?)

The MSM can’t ignore this anti-Obama story forever, because the inevitable cries from Obama’s own supporters — of “racism! racism!!” — will oblige them to cover it — so it’ll come out twisted, but it’ll come out.

My latest Examiner.com post [LINK FIXED] provides basic background, including video, about ACORN, its history of voter fraud indictments going back to 2004, and ACORN’s connection to Obama.

Check it out and add your own tips and links in the comments. (When you visit, you make my bosses there very happy!)