5 Feet of Fury

Mark Shea on Canada’s “tyranny of nice”

He writes:

The [Human Rights Commission] Left in Canada (but I repeat myself) is doing to the Church what the White Blood Cell in Fantastic Voyage did to Donald Pleasance.

Coming soon to an Obama Nation near you. As we learned under the current administration, when you are a threat to the country (and who is more of a threat than somebody who dares to criticize the President in a time of war? Why that’s sedition as some of my more zealous readers have informed me!) then you shouldn’t expect to enjoy civil rights.

Anybody who doesn’t think the next Administration will not make use of the ridiculous powers this administration has seized for itself doesn’t appreciate the Roach Motel nature of the modern state. Rights go in. They don’t come back out.

A candidate who is busy enlisting cops and lawyers to silence political speech during his campaign will, I suspect, not be shy about silencing critics with the warm and fuzzy tyranny of something like a Human Rights Commission, once he consolidates power.

I have never met a committed Leftist who was not hostile to free speech.