5 Feet of Fury

Anti-Islamists “some of the bravest people in Canada”

Barbara Kay writes:

One, Marc Lebuis, is a name you won’t recognize, because up to now he’s kept a low profile as the one-man show running www.pointdebasculecanada.ca. This is an anti-Islamist site that brings francophone Quebecers the news and frank opinions on the relentless push of the soft jihadists in our midst to Islamicize society, opinions that the mainstream media are too politically correct to publish. (…)

Fatah also expressed his contempt for the Ontario Human Rights Commission which, he asserted is “infiltrated by Islamists”: There are commissioners in the OHCR closely linked to the Canadian Islamic Congress and the Canada-Arab federation, both of which, according to Fatah, have “contempt for Canadian values.”