5 Feet of Fury

Palin won, say Malkin, Noonan, Dick Morris, the Luntz gang & more

Best round up of post-VP debate reaction’s at PajamasMedia and HotAir.com

Me: I switched back and forth between the US debate and the Canadian one.

Canadians like to brag that they’re so much more polite and civilized than their American cousins. Not if last night’s debates are anything to go by…

The Canadian “debate” was a bunch of furious, well-rehearsed lefties yelling at Stephen Harper, who mostly looked like an exasperated, bemused Commander Data, thinking “Man, who are these dorks?”

Seriously: the 1970s are over. How many goddamn Frenchmen do we still need hanging around, to make it look like we give a crap about their stupid demands and resentments? Leave, already! More Canadians speak Chinese than French now. Get-ay une clue-ay.