5 Feet of Fury

Blacks in Harlem support McCain’s policies — when they think they’re Obama’s

Rather than make some cheap, easy and totally evil & racist “Repeal the 15th Ammendment” joke, which would be completely inappropriate etc., I’ll just let you listen to this (warning: a few F***s from host Howard Stern throughout.)

Wow. Basically, you’ve just heard the political equivalent of the infamous “Alabama Leprechaun” video:

Someone should do a mash up of these two things, with McCain’s face photoshopped onto the “description of the suspect”:

Which reminds me: if you’re looking for a Halloween rental, think about picking up Leprechaun: Back 2 The Hood (2004). Arnie and I tried to sit through it when it showed up on BET a while back, but only Arnie lasted through the whole thing.

Actually, I didn’t even know there was an earlier “Leprechaun in the Hood” movie, but here it is. Staring Ice-T as “Mack Daddy.” Look, I just report the news, m’kay?