5 Feet of Fury

American Carol needs a big opening night — catch the first 10 minutes here FREE

The only thing Hollywood cares about is opening weekend box office receipts.

Do NOT wait for the DVD.

Do NOT wait to go next weekend.

If you want to see more conservative-helmed movies in theatres, then buy tickets to American Carol tonight.

The makers had to get a French company to distribute it because no American company would touch it. So come on: this patriotic comedy needs your support.

Ben Johnson hails the movie as “An American Triumph”, adding “this film is thoughtcrime” and insisting the [much watched YouTube.com] trailer does not do it justice…”

Conservative film blogger/Hollywood insider “Dirty Harry” was initially wary, having seen the first rough cut. He now calls American Carol “brilliant. Yes, I said brilliant”:

This one’s for us and damn if it doesn’t feel good for a change to be delivering punches instead of sitting there taking them. At 83 mintues (79 without end credits) the film will fly by; there’s also a treasure of surprises I wasn’t going to spoil here; and don’t worry about anything offensive to the kids. The PG-13 rating was a surprise.

A hearty laugh and a patriotic glow are good for the soul and haven’t been available at your local theatre since, well, forever.


Watch the FIRST TEN MINUTES free!