5 Feet of Fury

“Daniel” (1983): flick about Rosenbergs bombed at box office (get it?)

Given the recent pseudo-developments in the Rosenberg case (psssst: they did it!), RightWingTrash looks back:

The film dwells for a while on this sweet Socialist romance. Crouse is awfully fetching as Rochelle, even though she’s shot through a sickly filter that’s supposed to be sepia. It looks more like the Red Scare was nothing compared to the menace of yellow jaundice. (Let’s also note that one scene reveals that Rochelle has given money to the defense of the Scottsboro Boys, who—as others have noted—remain the only Leftist martyrs who haven’t turned out to be really guilty.)

We also see Paul talking about his days in the Army, and how he learned a few things from “those Georgia crackers who live in the red clay” about the kindness of “the masses who didn’t have an education.” It’s difficult not to fast-forward to the execution.

Then we’re back to the present-day, where Daniel is yelling about his wife putting ketchup on a club sandwich because he’s really upset over his sister’s attempted suicide.