5 Feet of Fury

Move along, folks. Nowt t’see here…

But although 75,000 ‘white British’ men and women are moving away, the population is still rising because of an influx of ethnic minority groups.

According to Government estimates, the established white population of England dropped by nearly 250,000 between 2002 and 2006. (…)

Fed up with high crime, the rising cost of living and a lack of community spirit, Julie Parry and her family packed their bags and left Britain.

She and her husband Eddie, 42, sold their house in Exmouth, Devon, in 2006 and moved to the remote town of Okotoks, in Alberta, Canada, with sons Brandon, five, and Frasier, seven.

Mrs Parry, 32, said: ‘Britain isn’t the same country me and Eddie grew up in.

‘It’s just the amount of crime and the high cost of living.

‘We were both working yet at the end of the month there was hardly anything left. We reached a point where we though there must be another way, so we moved.’

Going to Canada was ‘ probably the best thing we’ve ever done’, she said.

‘The quality of life here phenomenal. There’s such a sense of community. Friends who visit can’t believe how little things cost.’

Don’t miss the comments, either.

Too bad Britain’s politicians won’t bother reading them, though.

PS: and let’s face it… the white people that are left in Britain are pretty trashy, drunken chavs anyway, so it’s a lose-lose situation. Because those knife weilding, no-future guys (and girls) will have few qualms about going “National Front” on immigrants pretty much any day now. Sad but true.