5 Feet of Fury

Inside the liberal mind: Jason Cherniak

I studiously ignore Truffles the Hobbit, but one of his recent excretions just came to my attention, and — seriously — it deserves to be enshrined forever in some kind of museum that hasn’t been invented yet.

He writes:

The hardest part about selling Mr. Dion was his English. Sometimes I argued that it wasn’t as bad as people said, but that never really worked. The key to dealing with that complaint was simple – this is Canada. We don’t vote against people because French is their first language! That is not the country we want to live in and our people on TV need to remind other Canadians of that on a regular basis.

Good God, where to start?

Liberals really believe that if they just “argue” loudly and long-ly enough, that we poor plebes will see the tragic error of our ways, i.e., relying upon the evidence of our senses and our lived experience to make decisions, and not upon this week’s Received Liberal Wisdom talking points.

People in Jason’s rarified world may not “vote against people because French is their first language”, but it’s pretty commonplace where I come from (and with good reason), where utterances such as “let ’em separate or shut up already” are considered commonsensical and not treasonous. But of course, I’m just a stupid hick who didn’t go to law school then become a nakedly ambitious if none too swift party hack…

And if anyone ever doubted the verity of Jonah Goldberg’s phrase “liberal fascism” (which, as Goldberg is at pains to point out, was originally ultra-leftist H.G. Wells’ phrase — and one he used approvingly), simply meditate upon Jason’s chilling last sentence:

That is not the country we want to live in and our people on TV need to remind other Canadians of that on a regular basis.

That is not the country we want to live in and our people on TV need to remind other Canadians of that on a regular basis.

That is not the country we want to live in and our people on TV need to remind other Canadians of that on a regular basis.

Remember: millions of your fellow Canadians think like this, and they run the schools, the newspapers, the charities, the bureaucracies…

They are your “betters.” And Little Brothers like Truffles the Hobbit will never let you forget it.