5 Feet of Fury

Jay Currie: “Troothers, Anti-Semitism and MSM”

Jay writes:

Bottom line is that the CBC and the Globe and Mail and the Liberal Party could not acknowledge that a Liberal candidate had been taken down by a weird coalition of lefty (Dawg), neutral, (Black Rod) and apparently righty (me, Kate, Kathy, Free Dominion and the rest of you scoundrels) bloggers.

So they had to invent the idea that the [Canadian Jewish Congress] was driving the action. Kids, the CJC found out about Ms. Hughes because the Lying Jackal smelt death in the air. Left to their own devices those fearless Nazi hunters would not have found Hughes. Ever. The Jackal earned his keep.

The CBC and the Globe and Mail hate being killed on a story. They were killed here even though a Globe and Mail reporter had called the Hughes HQ before I did. Making the best of a bad situation they have thrown the credit to the CJC…. tough nuggies Dawg and Black Rod. At least you made it into the Post.

What the Hughes story is actually about is laziness. A lazy Liberal Party which cannot be bothered to vet its candidates and a lazy national media which cannot do the most basic invesitgation.

My posts took a total of half an hour. From work. MSM – Google is your friend. Use it.

My thoughts?

The entire Canadian Establishment is total bullshit.

Why do you want to work for them, oh good little party hacks and grasping, nakedly careerist bloggers on all sides?

Why do you obey their stupid rules?

Because you’re a typical narrowminded, unimaginative, petty, trembling Canadian coward.