5 Feet of Fury

AFTERNOON UPDATE: There’s a lot to blog about — including a possible Mark Steyn “verdict”, but…


OK, now one source close to the action says there WILL NOT be a decision on the Mark Steyn show trial today).

However, I’m getting ready do to an interview with Wendy Sullivan at Brass Balls Radio in about 20 minutes from now, so I still have no time to blog.


Exciting news in another one of today’s hot stories…

Thanks to the online efforts of Jay Currie, Dr. Dawg and other bloggers (on the right and the left), that Liberal Party candidate and 9/11 “troother” has been kicked off the ticket.

Jay Currie has all the gory details of this latest triumph of the blogs.

PS: in its story on this “under-bus-ing” of the Liberal’s 9/11 “troother” candidate , the Globe & Mail didn’t mention a single blog, even though blogs broke and pushed the story. Surprise! (Canada’s daily “newspaper of record”, along with the nation’s “natural governing Party,” do, however, “blame the Joooooz”. Sheesh.)

(this morning’s original post begins below):

I’m preparing for an early morning interview with Richard Pipes, for my next FrontPage article.


Steyn writes: 

There’s a rumor going around that the three pretend judges of the British Columbia “Human Rights” Tribunal will announce their verdict Friday [today] at 12 noon Pacific

For detailed background about this very case, check out the sample chapter about that Mark Steyn show trial, from my new book about Canada’s Human Rights Commissions, called The Tyranny of Nice: How Canada Crushes Freedom in the Name of Human Rights (and Why It Matters to Americans).


Visit Jay Currie about the Liberal Party candidate unveiled as a 9/11 “troother”. Once again, bloggers break a story and MSM follows.

Paul Tuns, the publisher of my new book The Tyranny of Nice, has a fine essay cataloguing the varied, colourful and highly original legal, er, irregularities (to put it politely) that our Human Rights Commissions engage in, in the name of “human rights.”

I promise to write about yesterday’s HRC luncheon panel with Alan Borovoy et al. later — for now, Scaramouche, who also attended, has a post up about it.

I’ll also try to get to the HRC cases against B’nai Brith (!) later today.