5 Feet of Fury

FLASH! My new book “The Tyranny of Nice” was mentioned on Fox News!

Last night, David Warren was nice enough to mention the new book I’ve co-authored with Pete Vere, called The Tyranny of Nice.

He was on Greta again, discussing Heather Mallick, but he managed to squeeze in a minute or so about the Human Rights Commissions — and that’s where the book came in:

Thank God the book’s website is finally (mostly) up and running. I tested the PayPal order function myself and it’s working fine.

Now: the book isn’t due out for about another week — but you can pre-order at a discount!

You can choose from a print edition OR an downloadable e-book.

If you run into any difficulty with your order, “cc” me when you email the publishers and I will personally look into it. I’m at kshaidle -AT – rogers.com.

The Interim is a small Catholic, Canadian company with their hands full with many other worthy projects.

So if I can ask… please be patient as this is probably going to be the company’s biggest book yet.

Now I can’t sleep. Thanks David — Pete and I really owe you (more than) one.