5 Feet of Fury

The Rosenbergs: still guilty after all these years

My latest in FrontPage:

Despite the overwhelming evidence of the Rosenbergs’ guilt, however, the Left will, in its standard tradition, continue to sacrifice truth on the altar of ideals. Larry Schweikart, author of 48 Liberal Lies About American History, notes that popular college history textbooks continue to give the convicted spies the benefit of the doubt and that the latest revelations are unlikely to change what students will learn about the Rosenbergs. “Some [textbooks] will use the cover-up phrases, ‘questions remain,’ or ‘some still argue’ to imply that the case isn’t solved,” Schweikart predicts. “Most will state that the Rosenbergs were convicted of espionage, but what they did ‘wasn’t that important.’”

a full interview with Schweikart about another treasonous liberal hero, Alger Hiss.