5 Feet of Fury

Chris Reid “was dumped,” says Tory insider — but he’s blogging again (also getting name checked at Fark)

Got an email from former Toronto Center Conservative candidate Chris Reid this morning. The writings on his “controversial” blog supposedly got him in trouble. Well, he’s blogging again, at Conservative & Gay

He writes:

Ah yes, what an incredible few days it has been. The saying is true, 24 hours is a lifetime in politics. One second you’re shaking hands with the Prime Minister and on the blackberries of the campaign staff, the next day you can’t get called back. Why? For articulating conservative principles. Which I will continue to promote.

This is where political correctness has gotten in this country…

So thank you to the Liberal bloggers for liberating me to be able to express my political thoughts. I could never have gotten this attention without you. And thank you to the outpouring of online support from people I have never even met, from the Western Standard, to conservative bloggers. Plus not to mention a great 580CFRA poll, I wager 64.9% would have also been the percentage of votes I would have gotten in Toronto Centre if I was still the candidate!

His post also includes something BigCityHack is seemingly unfamiliar with: actual factual and statistical arguments.

You’ll do more real good as a blogger, Chris. Party politics is a mug’s game. Welcome back to the blogosphere.

Meanwhile, The Shotgun blog has an interview with Chris Reid, plus a follow up post with a “Tory insider” saying Reid was “dumped”:

“I can say with 100% confidence that the party knew of his blog before he even started to run. They were the ones that told him to take his blog down before he became the candidate.

On his initial resume given to the party, it had a URL for the blog on it. How much anyone read of his blog really can’t be known obviously, however, there weren’t so many posts on it that 10-15 minutes wouldn’t have been enough to skim all of them…

I guess the message they are sending to their members is that it is ok if you believe this stuff as long as you continue to volunteer and donate, just make sure no one else knows what you think.

I think it is ridiculous that he had to go through this embarassing situation of being dumped when all the information that came out was previously known to the party.”


Chris Reid also gets namechecked in the comments for this “Best Fark Head-line [get it?] In a While” post:

Another Greyhound bus passenger stabbed in Canada.

Only suffered minor injuries, but he’ll beheading to hospital anyway.